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Happy Spring

Happy Spring

You already know that you can change your own health and maybe the health of those you love, so I want to share some more useful research information with you. As I work with people who have developed complex and chronic health problems, I have been looking up the...

Taking my own Wellbeing Medicine

Taking my own Wellbeing Medicine

Well, here’s a turn of events.  I’m starting off a 6-week Wellbeing Coaching programme, and it’s not just for my clients - I’m going to be doing it as well!  I have been sitting, nose to my laptop for 6 months, working with clients while also developing my...

Missing out on nutrients, missing out on health?

Missing out on nutrients, missing out on health?

There was a fabulous piece of detailed research by Wakeman, Bond and Mason in 2020 that never hit the headlines.
They took a really detailed survey of micronutrient (vitamins and minerals) intake in women in the UK and came up with some worrying results.
They found that very few women are well-nourished before, during or after pregnancy and giving birth – at any stage of life, in fact.
This is serious given that vitamins and minerals in recommended amounts are essential for health.
These low levels of micronutrients can impact not only women’s own health in different ways, but also their children’s health and later development. Find out how you can protect yourself and those you love.

A Deeper Dive into Digestion and How to Improve it

A Deeper Dive into Digestion and How to Improve it

Everything converges around gut healing and good digestion, for almost any condition.

This is partly because 70-80% of your immune system lives in your gut, so to affect your immune response to foods, you have to take the solution to where most of your immune system calls home, and nurture it there.

Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free Breakfast Ideas

Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free Breakfast Ideas

If you are used to eating toast and have woken up hungry, a loaf of gluten free bread can be very handy and an easy swap for your usual loaf.  It is worth keeping a gluten free loaf in your freezer so you can pull out a slice or two whenever you want one.
You can use gluten free bread to make familiar breakfast foods such as Eggy Bread, and if your baby is sensitive to egg, you can make various nourishing Vegan versions.

Food as Medicine

Food as Medicine

I love helping men and women to transform their lives, from struggling with chronic ill health, to feeling energised, letting the weight go and getting their life back. Often I can help them work with their doctors to get off their medications.

Zedding Away?

Zedding Away?

Nearly one in three people have trouble sleeping at some point in their lives, but it is not often a priority until you are desperate. In terms of an effective health strategy, it is the one thing where you can lie down, do nothing, and get better. Sleep is more...

Growing Old Disgracefully

Growing Old Disgracefully

Going gently into that good night? How about living to a vibrant, ripe old age until you drop off your tree? Growing older is something many people dread, but what they really dread is pain, poor health, dementia and dependence. So, your health is your wealth –...

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