Happy New 2025

Happy New 2025

There’s another dreamy picture on the cover, but this time, it is very relevant.  I’m going to talk about light. The days are beginning to lengthen again, and we love it when the sun shines – we feel better, more motivated and generally cheerier. It turns...
Happy Spring

Happy Spring

You already know that you have the power to be a Superhero for your own health and maybe that of those you love, so I want to guide you to carry on being a Superhero and sharing some more useful research information with you. My aim is to help you and your family...
Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free Breakfast Ideas

Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free Breakfast Ideas

If you are used to eating toast and have woken up hungry, a loaf of gluten free bread can be very handy and an easy swap for your usual loaf.  It is worth keeping a gluten free loaf in your freezer so you can pull out a slice or two whenever you want one. You can...